Friday, February 15, 2008

You Are An INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.

Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.

It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.

But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.

You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak

Saturday, February 2, 2008

boring sunday part 2

lolz i was browsing some website and did the stupid test =) but apparently its quite true thou =x


先把你的出生年月日相加,然后把其总数乘以125,计算出的总数中,取其百位的数字,那数字便代表你的幸运 神兽是属于哪一只了。
例如:出生年月日是1980年3月13日的话,那么便将1980+3+13=1996,再将1996乘以1 25=249500,其百位数字为5,你即是属于紫貘神兽了。

0黄麟 1苍龙 2碧凤 3朱蝶 5紫貘 6玄武 7缊象 8白虎

答案:0黄麟(orgiraffe) 你的厚黑学
你绝对是一个喜欢自我陶醉的人,在别人眼中,你是一个爱幻想的人,每当夜阑人静的时候,总爱想着一些不切实 际的事情,甚至是一些不着边际的事情。在爱情路上,最渴望拥有一段浪漫的恋情,就算是没有结果也不重要,因 为你是一个重视过程多于结果的人,一生中能拥有一段难忘深刻的爱情已经足够了。
在你一生中,很多时候会遭受许多悲哀、考验和责难,所以你必需要有许多的爱,这样才能令你战胜这些战役。在 旁人眼中,你是一个心境奇怪,而且有些怪癖,有时候思想与行动出现矛盾,但你却自得其乐。在爱情路上,你总 是把爱情看得很简单,虽然你不在乎天长地久,但总希望遇到一个与自己志趣相投的伴侣,只是许多时候思想过份 简单,有点超乎现实,令到伴侣难以了解你内心的想法,两个人相处久了,便越来越发觉你的行为古怪,要和平相 处,你便必须先改变自己的性格。

你做事相当认真及慎重,最擅于就是为目标订定长远的计划,然后会满有冲劲地向前迈进,完成使命。别人眼中, 你绝对是一个有长期抗战毅力的人,就算遇到任何挫折及挑战,也能够处变不惊地面对问题,甚么问题也不会过份 担心,最怕是自己浑浑噩噩地过生活,最希望是获得别人的肯定,因此你会花时间令自己更聪明及有智慧,在学习 或是一些深度的思考上总是努力不懈。在爱情世界里,你常常把想法过于理想化,每件事都会抱有很大期望,有时 候会不按牌理出牌,许多时候都只会相信自己的判断力,令身边人难以与你相处,对方会经常感到自己无用及无主 见,任何时候都只可以你为首,加上你思想多变,令别人难以跟从你的步伐,可能你对于自己的目标过份紧张,尤 其在工作上,这种过于理智的性格,令身边伴侣感到情趣不足,很容易因此与你分开

在八种神兽之中,你可算是最灵敏的神兽,就算遇到各种不同的麻烦场面,不随波逐流也是你一大特色,最不喜欢 跟从别人做事,认为任何事,自己也应有个人主张,有自己价值观,喜欢有话事权,所以容易令你变成一个拥有大 男人主义的人,绝对有个人风格。兴趣广泛的你,创意十足,最爱对身边的事和人发掘真象,有你的场合,欢笑声 一定不绝于耳。由于你兴趣广泛,思想经常有变,不论是朋友或情人,都很难与你推心置腹,因为你喜感不足,最 难接受的是大男人的性格,只懂叫别人信服于
你,但却不对别人让步,有如上司与下属的关系,大家互相之间并没有交流及了解,反而换来的只有服从,这样的 关系又怎可以适用于爱情关系上呢

热爱家庭生活的你的一大特色,天生也是一个喜爱闷在家里的神兽,对于一些自己不熟悉的事物,并不爱接触,也 不会主动到外面去探索新的事物,所以对不熟悉的人或事物,都需要有一段适应期。相反地,在熟悉的环境里,可 以把自己的才能充份地发挥出来;对于朋友或家人,都能表现出体贴及关怀,予人亲切温暖的感觉, 尤其是一个很好的聆听者,但同时,朱蝶也需要找到一个能够听他发牢骚的人,以释放积压在
心里的坏情绪。你绝对是一个死爱面子活受罪的人,就算面对一个自己喜欢的人,也不容易向对方说出心里话,令 对方认为你对他的爱意不够多,甚至会怀疑你的诚意,这段恋情往往会因为你的高傲而被破坏了。加上你那股经常 缅怀过去的性格,有时候真的会令现在在你身边的人受到伤害,究竟你爱以前的他多些,还是爱现在的他多些?没 有人知道,只有你自己知。但与其留恋一段过去的恋情,何不更加珍惜现在在你身边的他呢?不要再让自己抱憾终 生了!

你是一个向往自由的人,不爱受拘束,也无法承担太大的责任,因为这样的压力令你想一走了之,最享受的便是一 些能令自己发挥所长的工作,但又要不被限制,一些艺术性的工作较为适合你;有时候,会做出一些令人意想不到 的事情,例如:独自到山顶看日出,或默不作声地到离岛享受一天宁静的时间,这些都是旁人认为浪费时间的节目 ,但在你来说,却是最舒服及最自由自在的私人时间。在性格上,为人较固执,不爱听别人意见,总认为自己的说 法是对的。在你眼中,爱情可说是一个多姿多采的游戏,很享受游戏的过程,但却往往是三分钟热度,容易善变, 爱情在你眼里,只希望是一个令双方开心的游戏,大家没有点点悲伤及不开心,假如出现不开心,你会即刻逃离, 投进另一个快乐的爱情游戏里,这种性格令你在爱情漩涡中只会不停地去玩乐,很难找到一个对你专心一致的伴侣 ,你只是一个玩世不恭的人吧了!

你害怕孤独,从小至大,都喜欢一班人在你身边,因为你认为有人在身边,就更加证明自己的存在价值。一个人的 时候,心情往往会向下沉,能够每天都置身于一个快乐的小天地中,这才可以令自己继续向前行;对于爱情,你从 未尝过一个人恋爱的滋味,因为过往你有过不少恋爱经验,对方都愿意为你赴汤蹈火,但性格任性的你,却因为过 于自我,而往往忽略了别人的感受,最后都是一无所得,建议你多了解别人,尝试站在对方立场想一想,不要过份 固执,试试听别人意见,效果可能会出奇地好!占有欲太强,而且善妒,可能这是因为你自小已受到别人的疼爱, 令你觉得对方必需对自己好,如果见到伴侣与异性倾偈,除了不悦外,还会质疑伴侣对自己的忠诚态度,令伴侣大 为不满,有时还要求对方时时向自己报告行程,大大干涉对方的私人生活,加上过于坚持自己的步调,定下的规矩 太多,令别人反感,因此往往令伴侣忍受不了而放弃,最终受苦的都是自己。

MINE !! 7缊象(tenneelephant)你的厚黑学
性格决断独立,处事认真,就算在朋友眼中,都是一个拥有领导才能的人,在平常的日子中都不苟言笑,可能这是 因为你长期处于一个紧张状态之中,一天廿四小时,工作占去你大部份时间,悠闲日子对你来说,可谓绝无仅有, 但你却享受这种充实而有意思的生活,因为你相信人不做事便会容易变得颓废起来;工作方面,做事干净利落,不 爱拖拖拉拉,这正好反映你对爱情的态度,一脚踏两船的情况可说从不会发生,你只希望每次投入一段恋爱中,都 是专心一意地去对待另一半,若是大家感到对
方并不是意中人就宁愿分开,保持着朋友关系,正所谓再见亦是朋友!自我中心太强是你的特点,别人不容易走进 你的内心,而且外表上,已令人难于与你接近,加上急躁缺乏耐性,可以说有一点臭脾气,作为你的伴侣,都必须 要忍受你的坏脾气,加上你那外冷内热的性格,可以说能真正认识你的人不多,能够了解清楚你的人都必须有足够 的耐性,才可以真正打开你的心;另一方面,你并没有时间观念,工作起来甚么

你是一个没有主见的人,遇到任何事也只懂担心及不知所措,总給人长不大的感觉,工作上经常表现出欠缺自信, 有时候而对突如其来的事情,会受不了而发狂,令自己陷入一片混乱之中,不过在爱情路上,正由于你是一个这样 的人,在男士眼中,你会是一个备受保护的动物,容易引起别人的同情及怜悯之心,产生爱意。属白虎女士们的你 ,就较为幸福;至于白虎男士们,就较为适宜认识一些较大女人主义的女士们,她们会细心去保护你;许多时候你 那较为敏感而有反应的性情,会因太紧张而容易激动。你可以说是一个很情绪化的人,多愁善感,一旦遇到困难就 会缺乏面对现实的勇气,尤其在感情路上,经常会感情用事,不懂得控制自己的情绪, 容易陷入沮丧而不能自拔,有时候会令身边人不知如何是好,意志不坚定,面对一个对你很好的人, 你可能
会在脑海中突然感到对方不忠,又或者怀疑对方对自己的爱意,最后可能受环境或朋友影响,而把一段大好姻缘破 坏,要把这种情况减至最低,最重要是你要尝试信任别人,不要过份敏感,别人对你好,未必一定有企图,把自己 的心放开,别人才可以真正去认识你。

Coincident sunday

coincident is god way of being anonymous, its well said and written . 3 more days and its gonna be new year , im really been looking forward for this day , its a time of gathering , and for friends to be closer together ,

this is a very important year for me , graduating year and enlistment year . finally im going army !
been looking forward for this day to come =) . and also , counting down to new year , theres so many wishes . i hope everyone will be as happy as they would , some of my friends been so emo lately and i cant do anything about that , which makes me so 无能, but i pray that everything could turn out to be just fine , should u need any listening ears , just give me a call , ok =) i maybe busy , but u can always call me or sms or msn me , ok ^^

hope this 2008 would be a platform to success ! all my friends and family lets jia you together !

'At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.'
[Barbara Bush]

Thursday, January 31, 2008

my friday

lolz , Thursday turns out to be Great ! , everything went smoothly on innovation day , and well , although i know my presentation sark , but , one of the office people said i did a very good presentation job ! omg ! truthfully shocking , but im really grateful of them , its been 3 short month , kinda miss them thou , from the start of the attachment seems like hell , but its heaven in disguised , my initial goal or target i set for myself before i go for my attachment is , to put in 100% effort , and to see if my handwork will payoff , as in recognizes , in Chinese is getting ren dong la =p

and on that day after presentation , i thought we were be given cert and some gifts , BUT it turns out to be a certificate of reward and recognition, and a pierre cardin wallet ! omg ! i really wanna thank them so much for the experienced i had . =) thank u all so much . gonna up load some pictures of the innovation day , as soon as i get it from hong >.>

Monday, January 28, 2008

long awaited new post

haha , Aiyo stop screaming and tossing rocks on me , ok i shall update now XD.

ok i shall post the first theme topic or open discussion topic .

An Article on girls/RL

as title shown and sound , its about girls . wahaha , personally i had been single for 4 years , not because i deliberately want to , but well , maybe too busy with works and all . For girls , they are emotional creature , however whats good about them , is they are beautiful being . caring individuals. I cant say i seen every female , but i have seen a handful of them , some are wth , where others give a great memories .

To me , i just don't know . i just love pamper and care my girlfriend , maybe that makes me feel like a man =x . haha
and life is not plan by god , god give u a breath , and its u to carry on breathing . its an open discussion topic , so flood my tag box . with points and i shall post it here and share with everyone .

as a guy , i must say theres good one and bad one , so open your eye big big ok ^^ haha ,

last night had a long conversation with sum , and she mentioned love is painful . well i believe yes and no , i do agree that love is painful , but remember the the good days we* had , good memories , and thats a great way to move on . Every relationship we had is experience of life , learn it and embrace it.

what can i say i really enjoyed the whole process , ups and downs . But now its time to stable down , and stop fooling around haha .

( new update )

Special request from jun. add on to the article on girls ,

well i can say this is one of the sub chapter of the article itself , when talking about girls ,we cant leave this out and that is how to woo a girl ?
hmm , tricky question ,

first of all you must straight things out , flirting and wooing is completely different , although technique use is very similar . lets admit guys , who don't flirt , but when it gets to serious flirting , some heart could get hurt , so please don't flirt lolz . ok as i was talking about wooing , when a guy meets a girl and the moment the eye lied upon each other , who knows maybe shes the one . what to do ?

well im not an expert in this area . but i would like to give some comments and points for the new comer on this ^^
* first and foremost : theres many ways to get close to a girl , and please at this very moment please don't do stun just to let the girl know your presents , and only thing u get will be the sting of eyes that came to u after your stun . *just strike a conversation with the girl , try to find some common topic. like both love nature ? blah blah blah , and at the same time , keep changing topic , don't get the girl tired of your so called interesting topic . it maybe interesting to u , but to others is like (wth please move on !).

* most guys may find this very familiar , just stick to her no matter what , si chan lan da , well i must stress this , this only works on small cases .

*i forgot the mention one very important point . treat her truthfully, that way she won't feel cheated in anyway and in fact you can actually be proud of it , as when u no need to be who u need to be , but who u really are . be proud of who u are =) , that way even if the girl u trying to woo , rejected u , don't be sad , cause
u tried . and either theres really cant squeeze some fate to be together , or u and her are really just friends .

* and above the comment is subjected to the point of guys only . so if any girl out there wanna address something tag me or Msn me personally =)

ok thats the end of the wooing girl part , thats not all of it but i just haven compile those together thats all XD

ok speaking of which , theres something i wanna address , and that is although im not as experience as compared to my friends or buddy , but its how u feel , thats really important , being in a relationship is not because : oh my friend got bf/gf i need to get one too, its really a mis believe to others . please for your own sake , don't hurt others by just getting into the trench .

of a relationship is to remember the time we* had and happy memories we had , but not remembering how he/her ditched me , break promises , etc . enjoy every single moment of the process of the relationship from wooing , in a relationship and end of the relationship, its the feel thats important .

there may be ups and downs , but always remember , he is once there for me , held me close and help me out . the dates we had . this are the experience that help us move on , our life energy .

be truthful and stay happy is very important .

( still thinking of what to add =x)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

loco thursday ~

first and foremost i need to say im sorry for the late post. which date backs before my birthday party =p

anyway i really enjoyed myself la on that day , Thanks everyone for coming and also for those who were busy, i understand.

new year come my house again for Dino bones again ! ok people ~ wahaha

later on after lunch , i went back to JTC for a Pre-presentation and unexpectedly i turn out to be the one who will be doing the main presentation =..=lll but anyway since u all have voted on me , than i shall be at my best form on that presentation day ! wish me luck ! lolz

Yesterday des called me lolz , initially his motive is to book me for KTV , which i told him to book me before new year, but apparently it turns out im at my peak of busy for the 2 weeks , so most likely it will be on the following week after new year

ok i later on gonna post the first themed post . stay tune!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

nice cards

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.